Carl Parker

carl parker

Carl works within the Gardens & Museums IT Team as IT Service Manager leading the support and service elements of the Gardens & Museums IT Team, including day-to-day service operations, Communications, Information Security, Asset Management and Customer Service. Carl aims to provide a responsive, flexible and hands-on customer experience with the users’ needs and requirements being at the heart of all decision making, whether it’s resolving a problem or leading the coordination or delivery of a new service or system.

Carl has a great number of years’ experience focussing upon the effective provision of service and support, leading the delivery of IT solutions to a company’s user and customer base. Carl has worked in a range of environments, and in a number of differing roles reviewing and enhancing the experience and proposition offered to the user base.


Tel: 01865 288188

Work address: Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 2PH

Gardens & Museums IT