Touch Tours for the Blind and Partially Sighted


Touch Tours take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month, usually from 11am - 12noon at various venues across the Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM).


The tours are free but booking is essential.


Whether you are visiting for the first time or a regular visitor, and you can be sure of a warm welcome.


Below are the sessions we have coming up for 2024:


How to book

To book onto a Touch Tour or for further information, please contact us at / 01865 616998

Or you can call, text or WhatsApp Susan on 07595 612735.


A smiling Multaka tour guide shows a group of people a model of an astrolabe, an historical scientific instrument

Thursday 8th August, 11am - 12 noon: Multaka at the History of Science Museum *** Cancelled ***

The award-winning Multaka-Oxford team brings communities together by sharing the rich knowledge and heritage of people from all over the world who have made their home in Oxfordshire.  One of the Multaka volunteer Tour guides will share their unique perspectives on the History of Science Museum’s collection. 

A scene of the pink, yellow and blue flowers amongst the verdant green of the Botanic Garden wildflower borders.

Thursday 12th September, 11am - 12 noon: The Merton Borders at the Botanic Garden

Discover how this area of the Botanic Garden has been designed with the aim of minimising its impact on the environment and how the planting has been based on scientific research to produce an ornamental yet sustainable display. 

a specimen of Aragonite on a black background, pictured with its crystals glowing fluorescent pink and purple under UV light.

Thursday 10th October, 11am - 12 noon: Magnificent Minerals at the Museum of Natural History

Curator Duncan Murdock will give us a guided tour of the museum’s Mineral collection.

A group of adults around a large table looking at an exhibit of a multi-coloured coat from the Pitt Rivers collection.

Thursday 14th November, 11am - 12 noon: Multaka at the Pitt Rivers Museum

Join another one of our fantastic Multaka Oxford tour guides as they give a personal tour of the Pitt Rivers collections.


Spherical astrolabe

Thursday 12th December, 11am - 12 noon: TBC at the History of Science Museum

Topic to be confirmed.